Aside from routine General Practice consultations we offer a range of other specialised GP services.
ACC GPSI Service (GP with Special Interest)
Under ACC we are able to have you seen by a specialist for your complex accident induced orthopaedic/bone problems. Please can you discuss with your GP if you feel this is an appropriate service for you
General Medical Checks
We carry out a full range of medical examinations for life, medical and travel insurances and driver’s licences. When you make an appointment for one of these, please tell the receptionist so time can be allocated appropriately. This is because they frequently take longer than a standard 15 minute appointment.
Consultations (for registered patients only, regrettably we do not see casual patients)
Our consultations / appointments with a GP are generally 15 minutes. Due to time constraints it is not always possible to deal with multiple concerns. If you bring in a list, please be mindful that only 1 – 2 things will be dealt with. This is for patient safety. Also please be mindful that another patient will be waiting to see the GP after you. If you have multiple issues, please make a 30 minute appointment. There will be an extra charge for this. Likewise if you significantly over-run the 15 minutes, an additional charge may be applied.
Insurance Medicals/Employment Screening
If you require an insurance medical or employment medical, please book a 30 minute appointment. You will need to see nursing staff as well. Please be aware that 30 minutes will be charged and only the insurance medical will be able to be dealt with.
Minor Surgery
We are equipped to handle many forms of minor general surgery including the removal of moles, skin cancers, and ingrown toenails. These are all prolonged procedures and will need a separate appointment following an initial assessment visit. Charges for this vary depending on the surgery.
Intrauterine Device and Jadelle Insertion
For those women who choose to have an intrauterine contraceptive device or jadelle rods we have the capability of inserting them. There may be a charge for this depending on your circumstances. People will need to be seen by the Doctor performing the procedures (not all of our GPs perform this service) and there will be a charge for this (again according to your circumstances). We ask that you ring and discuss with the practice nurses/administration nurses if you are considering this. Please be aware smears and swabs will need to be performed before the intrauterine devices are inserted, so it’s very important you are seen beforehand. Please click here for more information.
Practice Nurses
Our practice nurses can competently deal with your medical enquires, give advice, blood pressure checks, asthma treatment and follow up, diabetes checks, and assess minor medical problems. They also take blood tests, cervical smears, perform child immunisations and triage injuries. It is essential that you make an appointment if you wish to see the nurses directly.
GP House Visits
It is safest if you are able to come in to the practice as we have most records and specialized equipment. However in the event that a house visit is needed, a GP can come to your house. There is an additional charge for this depending on the locality and on the time spent. Please be aware that to get a GP to attend a house requires organization and often cancelling other appointments, so it will take time to arrange for you.
Travel Medicine
We offer advice and vaccinations around travel. We ask that patient’s do not bring up travel consultations at the end of a consult or as part of a list of things to discuss. This is for safety and indemnity reasons. If you require travel vaccination advice, please ask well in advance of your proposed travel dates because travel to some destinations can be complex and time will be required to ensure safe procedures for you. Typically you will be asked to make at least one, possibly 2 appointments with the nurse and/or doctor. Generally we ask for pre-payment for travel vaccines. This is because we generally have to order them in specially, just for you.
Nurse House Visits/Outreach Nurse
We have a specialized nursing service that can come to your house to perform dressing changes and basic examinations. There is a charge for this and we ask that you ring and make an appointment should you require this. Click here for more information.
Skin Checks
We have a nurse-led skin clinic for our enrolled Taradale Medical Centre patients. This is run by a Clinical Nurse Specialist specialising in full body skin examinations. This clinic allows the CNS to check your body for any suspicious lesions. Please ring and make an appointment for this. There is a charge for this, please discuss with reception.
Ear Clinic run by Akers Ear Health
We have a specialised nurse led ear clinic run by Linda Akers. This clinic is for those with concerns regarding wax impaction, swimmer’s ear/otitis externa and blocked ears. Please see the attached documents regarding this service. There is a charge for this and we ask that you discuss with reception when you book. Please note that Akers Ear Health is a separate business, although naturally we are delighted to have the clinic as an additional service on our premises. Click here for ear health information.
Shingles Vaccine
There are currently 2 different vaccines available in New Zealand to help prevent Shingles and the nerve pain and associated complications that can arise.
Firstly, there is Zostavax which is fully funded for all adults only in their 65th year. This is a live vaccine and not suitable for immunocompromised people. Its efficacy is about 65-70% but decreases rapidly with age. Only 1 dose is required but its effectiveness is believed to last for about 4-5years only.
Secondly, Shingrix is a vaccine that is available to purchase for any adult over 50 years of age. It is between 90-97% effective and the protection has been shown to last for at least 7 years and continues to be monitored as likely to be longer. Two doses are required between 2-6 months apart. Unfortunately, Shingrix is NOT FUNDED and for 66 years and over it will cost $300.00 per dose (plus a nurse charge) and must be paid for before an order can be placed.
Note:- There is a higher incidence of short term side effects with Shingrix such as painful arm, headache, digestive complaints, muscle ache and fatigue.
If you would like further information please discuss with your GP or Nurse.
Sexual Health Checks
We offer sexual health checks for all people. For those 18 and under the service is free thanks to the Hawkes Bay District Health Board. We have nurses who specialise in sexual health as well, so often times, people can be seen by a nurse who can further discuss with medical staff if needed.
Blood Tests
Please ring and make an appointment with the practice nurse should you need a blood test.
Please note that this is a convenience service offered by the centre. If we are very busy we may ask that you go to the labs for your blood test. This is because we have limited nurses available at any time and if they are seeing patients with more urgent or complex needs, blood tests are generally not a priority.
Smoking Cessation Clinic
We offer individualised practical advice to those ready to give up smoking. Our specialist smoking cessation nurses can provide options for Champix, Zyban and Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) with ongoing support via phone available. Appointments can be made through reception and service charges do apply.
Aukati kaipaipa – Stop Smoking service is a free service offered to whanau in Napier via Te Kupenga hauora – Ahuriri. Please call them on 06 835 1840 or Text 021 871 556.
Wellness Clinic
- Problems with Anxiety or Depression?
- Grief or relationship problems?
- Feeling lonely or overwhelmed?
- The wellness clinic is run by a mental health credentialed nurse who offers strategies and can put you in touch with resources that may help.
This is a funded service to our enrolled population.
Health Improvement Practitioner and Health Coach
Taradale Medical Centre have a Health Improvement Practitioner (HIP) and a Health Coach (HC) available for patients to book in for an appointment or referred to by your GP or nurse.
Health Coach can provide support for individuals and whanau 18 years and over around:
- Lifestyle Changes
- Chronic conditions
- Nutrition
- Exercise
- Weight loss
- Low mood
- Sleep
HIP can support individuals and whanau any age with:
- Stress management
- Sleeping difficulties
- Mental Health
- Anxiety
- Alcohol and Drug challenges
- Pain
- Headaches
- Feeling fatigued
- Relationship difficulties
- Medically unexplained symptoms
- Family violence
- Grief
- Risk and Safety
- Long term conditions
Phone or see reception to book in for a FREE appointment to see our HIP or Health Coach.